Our neighbor is in the process of restoring a ditch that ran through the base of the hill. He was walking through the adjacent properties to survey the old ditch and found some markings on an alder at the property line. He told me that there was a bear in the area. Anna and I were excited so we went down last night to inspect the tree that had been clawed. I was a little disappointed to find this deer rub. Despite my dismay, the chickens were relieved to hear the news.
The top picture is a close-up where you can see the hair left on the tree from the deer's head. Maybe he is marking territory or perhaps alleviating a severe itch.
The ditch restoration has been a pleasant surprise. There is an area of wet ground at the base of the hill on our property and it must stay wet down there all through the winter. Apparently there is an old ditch that has fallen in due to lack of maintenance over the years. The neighbor is retired and he has the ear of some old timers in the area. One of these people is on the ditch commission. In his extra time and influential way, he has convinced the powers that be to restore the old ditch and they are to dig it back out next year. This should allow me to access the bottom portion of the property year round and make it feasible to raise some livestock in the back of the property.
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