The house lifters came back on August 3rd to lower the house. They lifted the house just enough to remove a couple blocks of wood and lowered the I-beam back onto the cribbing and repeated until the house sat onto the new foundation. In the process the owner pulled a muscle in his back and was unable to move all of the heavy wood and jacks. Wade and Dad helped move all of the material out from under the house.

We put plywood, roofing felt and stucco mesh on the lower level so that we can dress up the foundation in the future. The corners of the house do not rest on the foundation at this point. The wood has memory of when it sat on the posts and the middle of each wall must have sunk in a little. The house lifter warned us of this common occurrence and that most of our windows and doors will not close properly. I am going to give the house a chance to settle before straightening out door jambs and windows.

In the future the lower floor will be heated with radiant heat. We put down 4 inches of sand as a base, then a layer of plastic as a vapor barrier. Over the plastic we installed 2 inch rigid foam for insulation and welded wire mesh to tie the tubing to. The tubing will carry hot water to heat the floor that will be poured the next day.

The concrete showed up on time and by the end of the day we had a floor and dry space to store all of our stuff that doesn't fit in a small house. Now we have to make the house weather tight and insulated.
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