I used traditional white wash for the first time and I really liked it. It covered reasonably well, it is easy to clean up, it is cheap, it has antimicrobial properties and the white color makes the room look bigger.
I bought a bag of hydrated lime from the feed store and mixed it with water until it was the consistency of paint. I found an old brush and slopped it on. It was dry to the touch after the first coat was finished and I put on a second coat around the bottom half of the coop.
The only down side that I see right now is that I'm sure I'll end up with chalky lime on my clothes every time I go into this coop.
This year I will add some insulation and create a brooder by sectioning off a corner of the coop to better hold in the heat from a lamp. It is important to make an area warm enough for the chicks (95 degrees). The chicks need to be able to move under or away from the lamp to find the heat they prefer as the outside temperature changes.
I should have eggs from these new chicks in July, I might have enough to start selling at the Farmer's Markets near the end of the season.
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