July 2, 2012

New Washing Station

Kyle washes broccoli while Vince soaks lettuce
When I (Anna) told Vince I took pictures of his new wash-station-creation and was going to blog about it, he looked at me with a "really?" expression. Either that or a little embarassed? I'm not sure. Maybe I should be able to tell by now.  Anyway...I assured him it was so we could look back in five years and laugh at our primitive set up.  Or maybe next year. On the other hand, we may be using this same table for the next ten years.  

Fully portable, as are most things on our farm, he assembled cedar planks and propped it on sawhorses.  The best part is it meets the goal to have running water over the produce rather than holding a hose in one hand and produce in the other and then trying to wash it over the patio table.  There are three faucets over the table connected to hoses.  At this point, our only water source is from the house, so there are about five hoses hooked together to get down to the table. (It's probably fewer, but it looks long, anyway.) But it's portable, you say. Why not move it closer? Well.  All that water at one time saturates the ground.  Last year our lawn was constantly soggy, so moving off of it helps keep the grass near the house in better shape.  In addition, the table is right next to the compost, so all those scraps from cleaning/trimming/sorting/etc. go straight into the pile. In the inaugural run, Kyle and Vince used the washing station to prepare for our first week of CSA boxes.  It worked, but there are some improvements Vince would like to make. The first being to purchase some rubber aprons. They were both soaked!  
"the washing station" pre- first use

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