June 5, 2009

On a personal note

Yes, we are growing more than vegetables this year. (In the event of confusion, this is Anna writing now:). I am now 32 weeks pregnant and it has been noticed that we haven't said anything about this other "seed" we are growing on our blog. So, here it is. I am not hiding my ever-growing belly, in fact, my overalls just aren't fitting right anymore, but only those all knowing mom blog-readers seem to notice. I often remind myself, as I'm out in the garden, or, more recently, overseeing the garden from my hammock view, how I've seen the women in Africa just bend at the waist and attack the ground with their short handled hoe, having no choice but to keep at it, baby and all. Or the women in Central America who can squat for hours on end to tend to the earth and their children. I admire them and realize my body just isn't built for that. (or I'm not very tough). Instead, I putter around a little more slowly this spring than last, take more breaks, and don't carry anything heavier than a hose. But we tell ourselves it will be worth it, this body-building I'm doing, when we have another helper in 10-15 years. Assuming, that is, this Caruso kid likes to pull weeds and pick peas! I make it sound as if this pregnancy is a drag. It's really not; on the other hand, it is a great blessing. We are very excited to add to our family and look forward to the baby's arrival in August.

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