There's nothing like things homemade. Although we were both raised appreciating homemade things (wood working, baked goods, birthday cards, poems as a gift for Dad), as part of this farm experience, we have learned to make a lot more things from our own supplies. Neither of the items in this post are from our farm, but they capture the importance we place on making things with your own hands and sharing that experience with others. For Christmas Anna received a cutting board made by brother Wade that is much nicer than any "store bought" cutting board (although you can buy his cutting boards and other creative items- just let us know and we'll send you his way!)
my beautiful new cutting board made by brother Wade Caruso- awaiting fresh veggies to chop. |
On New Year's Eve we spent all day with most of Vince's family in Evans City, PA making ravioli "like Grandma Caruso made." With Nick leading the charge and with the usual banter and noise that comes with a large family, we took turns in the assembly line and turned out dozens and dozens of both meat and squash (from Wade's garden) filled raviolis. Even the toddlers "helped" (you can spy them in the pictures below). There is something wonderful about sharing an experience with those you love and then getting to enjoy the product together. Try it this year with items from your garden and let us know what you made!
part of the ravioli assembly line |
rolling the perfect pasta |
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