October 3, 2009

Work Party

Winter is fast approaching and neither the garden nor the house are prepared. So we called in the reinforcements and they came, gloves and boots on, ready to work. What a work party! It was so helpful and really neat to look out over the farm and see activity all over. It certainly made working so hard much more fun! Here is a photo-journal of just some of what was accomplished. Photo credits go to Sarah and Vesta, who took their photo job very seriously.
Alan and Chris disassembling the tall chicken coopSusan freeing the asparagus from weeds

Jesse appeared in dress clothes to supervise and give Susan and Theresa a break from weeding. Theresa is our master-weeder. The garden would be lost without her.

Mom took babysitting duty seriously and sat for hours on the front porch cleaning potatoes for storage.
Bill getting a lesson on rototilling with the tractor.
Bob rototilling
Christopher and Vesta bringing up melons from the field
Shu-ha's parents didn't have bean-picking on their list of things to do on their visit from Taiwan, but they sure picked a lot of beans
Vesta picking strawberries
Joanie weeding the beets
Sara cleaning up the flower beds
Karen and Tim the pumpkin tossers. Leave it to them to come up with a creative way to get the pumpkins out of the field quickly and have fun at the same time.

We want to thank everyone who came to work. We appreciate it!

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